Thursday, 26 January 2012

. . . World Book Night

Note: Make sure to sign up by the 1st February!

On April 23rd 1 million books are going to be given out across the UK, and 20,000 people are needed to help. Every giver receives 24 copies and the idea is to give the books out to people who wouldn't normally pick up a book, and spread the joy of reading.

My First Choice
 There are 20 titles to choose from and you can state a preference for your favourite!

Although I like several of the top 20 books, I think my chosen book would have to be The Time Traveller's Wife. It's fast paced and easy to get into, I was impressed with how all the events tied together and it also made me cry - a lot. Which for me usually tends to be a sign of a good book. I'm also fairly sure that it caused my lingering obsession with Doctor Who!

So which book would you pick from the list, or would you choose a different book to share?


Sunday, 15 January 2012

. . .Penguin's Clothbound Classics

I know that you're never supposed to judge a book by its cover but I have a slightly bad tendency to do just that.

Therefore, despite already owning a copy of most of the books in the Penguin Classics Clothbound Collection, the pretty covers are tempting me to buy more!

Sense and Sensibility

Great Expectations

However, with 29 titles in the series I'm not sure that my bank balance would be too pleased if I were to buy all of them. 

But I guess getting one or two wouldn't hurt...


Saturday, 14 January 2012

. . . The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake

This was one of my best Christmas presents as I loved the TV series 'The Great British Bake Off''.

Any fans of the series will be happy to hear that The Great British Bake Off: How to Bake, is just as good as the programme! The book is really colourful with great photographs and simple step by step instructions.

I've already found several recipies I want to try, (including a very yummy looking cake that has white chocolate in the sponge!) and I'll be sure to put up photos of the results!


Monday, 2 January 2012

. . .Lisbeth Dahl Jewellery Stands

I always have difficulty finding pretty jewellery stands that are tall enough for long necklaces and so they frequently end up lying around and getting tangled, but recently I came across the Lisbeth Dahl range which seem to provide an answer to my problem.

66cm Tall Stand!

The Lisbeth Dahl range ticks all the boxes; they're reasonably priced, elegant, and at a height of upto 66cm, they're tall enough for even the longest of my jewellery!

Wave Lisbeth Dahl - 50cm

Queen Lisbeth Dahl - 65cm

There're plenty to choose from, but if you're after something fancy, the Queen Lisbeth Dahl stand is perfect, and there's even a matching earring stand available in miniature.

So now I'll be able to bid farewell to tangled chains!
